Thursday, December 6, 2018

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Baby has grown up

The 4.6 ounce kitten has grown up.  She's still a weird cat and is extremely clumsy, but the vet gives her a thumbs up health wise.  I tell him he's lying when he says there's nothing wrong with her neurologically.  My sister has nicknamed her Lucy Fur...
My precious!!!!
That's Sophie's funny picture, but here she is looking a bit more dignified:

Monday, November 29, 2010

New baby

Dustin's girlfriend, Freda, called me 10 days ago and asked if I could help...with a tiny little kitten she had found outside in a box.  After 2 visits to the emergency vet clinic, and many, many middle of the night feedings, Sophie is getting to have quite the Diva attitude.
This next picture, I call "Sophie in prison".
We just got back from her weekly visit with the vet and she gained 3 ounces this week.  This puts her at a whopping 10 ounces!  Go Sophie!
We've got at least 2 more weeks of bottle feeding, but I'll start introducing a little wet food mixed with formula next week.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Open Studios

Yesterday, several of my friends and I got together and toured some of the Open Studios.  We had a blast and then went to lunch at our favorite restaurant...I'm not saying the pomegranate martinis haven't influenced us, but...they are yummy!!!
Here are a few pictures I took on the tour:
This is by Diane Gilgore from ArtBomb

My crazy friends next to one of Diane's sculptures

Diane Gilgore holding the piece I bought from her.  She's telling me about the painting next to her...the rescude dog (one of 28 she and her husband have saved) is looking up at the squirrel above his head.  They drove him crazy.

My favorite painting of Diane's.  I named it "The cone of shame".

I love her multi media collages.  I'm begging her to have classes in her studio.

Dabney Mahanes standing beside her drawing of a pregnant crow.  It has such personality!!!
She was so warm and welcoming, my friends had to drag me out of her studio. 

We had a fantastic day and I can't believe I didnt' take more pictures, but here's a link to the studios:

Friday, October 15, 2010

My latest obsession

My family got me the best birthday present ever last August...
Yes!!!!!!!!!! I got a Kindle 3!!!! eeeeh!!!!!
It's totally addictive and my home is an absolute wreck because I would rather be reading.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

More stained glass...

This is a mask I made one very long weekend.  It's probably my favorite piece I've ever made.  The woodland fairy is the second piece I made and it was too ambitious.  I'm surprised I kept going.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

First Post

I've been following many craft blogs in the past year and I admire all of them so much!!! I thought I might keep track of some of the inspiration I find and some of the things I create and we'll see how it goes.
Here is a Sunflower clock I made many years ago: